

A Makefile is included with the C++ source code. To compile the program, you can run the make command in the top-level EPMR directory (epmr-XX.XX) or in the src directory. The code should compile cleanly with gcc (g++) and other modern C++ compilers. If you have administrator privileges, running the command sudo make install from the top-level directory will copy the executable to /usr/local/bin.

To take advantage of multicore processors, the Makefile is set up to compile with OpenMP support (-fopenmp for g++). The program can also be compiled for multithreaded execution using the -pthread flag instead of -fopenmp. (This may be incompatible with the -static compiler flag).


A make file is included with the C++ source code. The code should compile cleanly with clang++ and other modern C++ compilers. To install clang, download and install the Apple developer tools.


The program can be compiled with Visual Studio, Visual C++ Express or the mingw g++ compiler. A Windows-specific make file, epmr-win.mak, is included with the source code.